
The Graveyard of Good Intentions

As you may have noticed, this blog has fallen on hard times. Without a clear topic (i.e. Portland urban exploration), I'm finding difficulty in locating a new direction. I began writing on this ramshackled-melange of diodes and processors under the personal restriction of avoiding my soapbox. I have some difficulty with blogs promoting a personal agenda, without the organization of some ethos. I don't want to lampoon the world of my observation or stumble across hidden truths, like Homer in the twelfth episode of season six, "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes."I mean, I'm no Mr. X, or anything. And I don't want to be secretly shipped to a hidden island where koalas wear costume spectacles. Besides, my opinions are mine and I don't want you to get them.

On the other hand, Worcester County is an ancient beast lumbering toward the inevitable, and I can't imagine treating it as I did Portland. I could explore the abandoned Outlet Mall downtown or check out the new fire station. But who cares? I could focus on television gossip and report on my favorite shows, but I can't devote enough time to television to write about what happens on television. Or, I could post pictures of my bowling pin in and around local points of interest... oh wait, that's not me. It's the other Matt.

If you have any good ideas, let me know. I'm here.
Don't be fooled!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Write for the hell of it. You seeem to enjoy the written work. So you felt joy and pain explore your inner eye for what the future can be. Let the words flow as they have I've read the blog let it happen.