
It's a Marshmallow World

The 19th of December, two days before the official start of Winter, we were blanketed by nearly a foot of snow, still holding out for another storm predicted for Sunday. The cold air blew down and it looks as though someone packed Frosty with pack of TNT and lit the fuse. I suppose it's nice to have flakes a'fallin around Christmas, and it does look quite picturesque, but two snow storms on the heels of an ice storm that sucked power from most of Massachusetts may be asking for a little too much Holiday Cheer. And, it seems, the Pacific Northwest wouldn't have been much refuge this week, as the Portland Metro area was hunkering down for record snowfall, according to the National Weather Service. This stuff is everywhere.

I took a few photographs, with the original intent of sending them to my brother, of the house and yard, but thought, "What the hell?" So, now they're being posted for all to enjoy.

Up top, my dad is snow-blowing the driveway in the windchilled air. He gets awful picky about the driveway and refuses to accept any help. We were relegated to the porch and stairs once he fired up the blower.

Over on the right, a lovely shot of the house through the trees. There isn't much narrative here; you see what I see. If you'll notice, however, the snow is still falling.

Passengers on the left side of the aircraft should notice our old hitching post and the snow-touched trees bent with time and loose soil.

It's winter in New England. We've got our rock salt and shovels, a hot pot of coffee and some beef stew. We'll just hunker down and wait to complain about hot humid it will be in July. We're a fickle bunch.

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