
A Nebraska Hello

Just checking in briefly. We're in Nebraska, staying with Danielle's family. We pulled in early last evening, had dinner and some fun. We'll be here until tomorrow morning.

We've travelled nearly 1,400 miles without much difficulty, although New York seemed to never end and Ohio smelled like farts and feet. We got caught in the rain and had to pull over, better safe than sorry.

In another day, we'll head north and west to visit the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore. We'll check in when we can and update whenever possible.

Oh, we've seen thirty-six of fifty states' license plates (most we spotted before crossing the MA border) and three Canadian provinces' plates.


Anonymous said...

Glad the trip is going well! I'll try call you guys tonight to say hi and see how you're doing.

Party Planner! said...

Go Corn Huskers! I hope you are enjoying Nebraska.