

I feel a bit inadequate posting about Yellowstone National Park without the accompaniment of photos. The truth is our cable connecting the camera to the computer is packed deep in the belly of the Fit and I can't be bothered with digging it out. Anyway, the park was amazing; in fact, amazing doesn't seem to fit. The park is a crucial space in the American tapestry and needs to be seen, experienced, felt, smelled by everyone with the power to get there. Fly; drive; bike; thumb a ride; walk. The trip is worth every second. I know I sound like an enamored child staring into the streak-free shine of a candy shoppe window, but that is the effect of the park. From the roaming bison to the hydrothermal geysers, each sight and attraction leaves the jaw slacked and the eyes wide. It's more than words, more than pictures, more than the imagination can put compose.

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