
Taking Bids from Adolfo 'Shabba-Doo' Quinones

The yard sale ended Sunday afternoon, a little earlier than expected. Sunday was slow; we made a few sales but the amount of traffic was non-existent compared to Saturday. It went well and we sold most of our larger furniture. A little less worry to take us into next week and our big move.

I need to be honest about the yard sale. Anyone that stopped by that knows me keenly observed my discomfort with the entire ordeal. I don't like strangers, especially those that like to paw through my stuff and quibble over the price of my memories. It was disconcerting to think that my belongings weren't good enough for some people to pay $2 for but not quite revolting enough to offer $1. Jerks. Take your fanny pack and get out of my yard.

I'm over it now, though, and thankful that many people showed up to buy old junk. We are both especially thankful for all the help we received for this sale. My parents let us hold it in their yard, as we are yard-less. Several friends stopped by and bought, at exaggerated prices, some of our wares, and one friend in particular stuck by us the whole day to help out. Caitlin was great at talking with yard-shoppers and squirreling away the most prized possessions for herself.
Now I'm at my parents' house for the week and Amber's out in Western Mass. finishing up her contract. We're holding solid to our departure date and it's unusual not to see my wife for such long stretches. The week won't be all bad. My parents have cable and today I saw "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo" on Showtime. Ozone's a bad ass (he's the shirtless wonder in a leather confederate-style cap and raccoon tail hanging from his leather pants. Dreamy).

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