
Are you kidding me?

For the last few weeks, I have had gum pain, to which I attributed to the move and the stress that has accumulated since then. But yesterday, it dawned on me... this was the same tooth that I had the same feeling with right before I needed a root canal. Huh. Why would I have the same symptoms? I called a dentist around here who was able to see me right away because he was afraid that I had an infection. Well. It turns out that the original infection, from last year, never cleared up. I have had the infection all along and just a few short days before I start my clinical, it needs attention. I have an endodontist appointment this morning for a consult. All this wonderful crap without dental insurance. Needless to say I was in tears many times yesterday and probably again today. What if I need surgery? Oh my god! The surgery part I don't mind, but how much is this going to cost? I need this molar!

I was laughing because the office staff yesterday was so focused on the cosmetic aspects of my teeth- "oh they are so white and straight", etc. For some reason, I received the gift of multiple cavities, jaw problems and lasting infections. I hope that my future children will get Matt's teeth. When he fell on his face, he didn't have any issues with his teeth. Sure they were sore, but nothing came out or broke! He has had no braces and no wisdom teeth have impacted any other teeth. GAH!

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