
My first time

So this is my first time contributing more than my pictures to the blog. Things have been great here in the city. Matt is continuing with his job search. I guess Oregon has hit it's all time greatest unemployment rate in 5 years, which is awesome timing for us. Despite that, we are trying to balance stress with fun. We have gone to many parks, museums and other outdoor events. I feel like I am still on vacation because I don't have to start work until the 30th! And if any of you know me.. doing nothing for this amount of time is killing me. BUT I feel like after 2-1/2 years of grad school studying, working and being stressed with internships and research projects that it would be ok. The lack of structure is more difficult than I thought! One week was ok, but 6? Whoa. Soooooo. I have been waking myself up at 7:30 everyday this week and next week maybe 6:30. I have to prepare myself for the new work schedule of 7:00-5:30 Tuesday through Friday. Plus with the walk to work, I will have to wake up just shy of 6 am. Big change from now!

Anxious to start working,

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